Frequently Asked Questions

What ages or grades can participate in MusiCamp?

BAND & ORCHESTRA - Because some schools start band/orchestra earlier than others, we do not have a specific grade level set for attending camp. Instead, we ask that students complete at least one year of band/orchestra instruction. Campers can be as old as recent high school graduates.

CHOIR & PIANO - We ask that choir and piano campers have completed at least 5th grade. Again, they can attend camp as a camper after graduation and before entering college. Piano students need to have completed at least one year of piano instruction and can read music.

What instruments are accepted at MusiCamp?

BAND & ORCHESTRA - All standard band instrument are welcome to participate. String players are welcome to participate in the orchestra camp. Students who play a band instrument and also can play a secondary jazz instrument (electric guitar, bass, etc) are encouraged to bring their instrument to camp, as all students have the opportunity to play in a jazz ensemble.

CHOIR - All voice types welcome.

My student is a young, beginning player/singer. Will there be other campers who are the same age?

Yes. There are many young students who attend camp, and for many this is their first time away from home. We make sure our young campers feel safe and welcome. There is also and band and choir specifically for beginning students.

What is the difference between a commuter and resident camper?

A COMMUTER is someone who is not staying in the dorms for camp. Typically these are students who live in or near Bemidji and stay in their own homes and then commute to camp each day.

A RESIDENTIAL camper is someone who stays in the dorms the entire week.

My student lives in Bemidji (or nearby), does he/she have to be a commuter?

No, all students are welcome to stay in the dorms.

I need help getting up to camp. Is there any transportation available?

Yes. There is a bus that drives from the Twin Cities area up to Bemidji and makes several stops to pick up passengers along the way. Please visit the Getting to Camp page for more details.

What does a daily schedule look like for MusiCamp?

A sample daily schedule can be found in the Information Materials page. Please note that this is not a final schedule and that all schedules are subject to change to fit the demands of camp each year.

What other types of activities do students participate in?

Students may participate in a variety of activities, such as: bowling, outdoor activities, faculty recital, student recital and talent show, concerts, movie night, campfire, lake recreation, games, and other (weather permitting).

What class should my student sign up for?

We recommend different classes based on campers' ages and ability levels. These recommendations do not exclude anyone from signing up for these classes but often time do indicate the priority for which we assign classes. Visit the Class Offerings page for more details on classes.

Will campers have access to internet during the week?

Yes. There is campus wide WIFI that requires a password which we will give out at camp. The use of electronic devices during instruction is strictly prohibited.

Can my camper stay in the same dorm as their friend or relative?

Yes. On the registration form, there is a spot to write in a roommate preference. We will do our best to accommodate roommate requests, but there will be a high chance of the request being granted if 1) both campers write each oter as their preference and 2) campers turn their applications before July 1.

How much does it cost to attend the final concert(s)?

The final concerts are free to attend.

Is there handicap access to the concert hall?

Yes. Please contact us so that we may thoroughly meet your informational needs and provide the best possible accommodations.

How can I donate to Bemidji MusiCamp?

Please contact us directly. Thank you for your consideration!